In many large Russian cities, a western lifestyle is lived, including the best career opportunities. Successful women, like Ekaterina, are in conflict because conservative values and a fixed role model still characterize Russian society.
Coach Pavel Rakov and influencer NixelPixel want to provide guidance and help women out of the crisis. While Rakov teaches women in his courses to develop their femininity and to accept men as guides and protectors, NixelPixel wants to show that there are alternatives to the traditional role model.
Director: Anna Schishova, Frank Müller
DoP: Dmitry Bogolubov, Ariane Bethusy Huc
Editior: Frank Müller, Dmitry Bogolubov
Comissing Editor: Carolin Mayer
Channels: ARTE, RBB
First broadcast: 02/15/2022